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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Virtualbox error - Kernel driver after Centos Update

On my Centos7 box, after an update I lost the kernel sources.  Virtualbox would no longer start a VM due to updates requiring a recompile.

Running  usr/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup 
showed some errors in cat /var/log/vbox-install.log
After removing & reinstalling kernel sources and running above command again, Virtualbox recompiled the kernel.

yum remove kernel-devel gcc
yum install kernel-devel gcc

Unfortunately this may remove some dependencies also, backup your environment!

Then had to reboot to avoid the "Creating a process..." message for VirtualBox.

Friday, October 23, 2015

ZSH and Oh-My-Zsh Shell Plugins

I remember a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I played around with setting up custom DOS prompts.  Memories of Ansi.sys and custom ANSI art come streaming into my brain...

Forget all that.  On CentOS, these two commands will install the Z Shell and Oh-My-Zsh

yum install zsh
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

Tab allows you to visualize potential paths, running processes, ls without hitting enter, and other awesomeness.

There are one or two Themes and Plugins available.

Some laundry lists, tricks and cheat sheets.

If you're running Windows, 720MB of Babun will get you Zsh among other things...

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hue on HDInsight and HDInsight on Linux

Microsoft might have just made Data Lakes a commodity offering.

Convergence with the Linux realm is happening again at Microsoft with the introduction of Hue on HDInsight (a graphical interface for Hadoop/HDP) and HDInsight on Linux. Hue has been around for quite awhile in the Apache realm and in most Hadoop distros, glad do see HDInsight is finally getting a user-friendly GUI.

Another announcement introduces U-SQL (see Michael Rys (@MikeDoesBigDataIntroducing  U-SQL).  A SQL-like, Hive/Pig/Grep/Awk combo language to ELT+QE (Extract/Load/Transform + Query/Extract) on top of the HDInsight Big Data Lake.

The biggest announcement is the Azure Data Lake itself...

Shared folders with Virtualbox and Centos 7

Got a build error with VirtualBox add-ins and HDP Sandbox 2.2.

Building the main Guest Additions module   [FAILED]

Fixed by checking the log file for errors,  Missing kernel directory issue.

$ export KERN_DIR=/lib/modules/2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64/

$ cd /usr/src/kernels

$ ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64/ 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64