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Friday, November 6, 2015

Closer look at U-SQL, MIcrosoft's HiveQL

Microsoft U-SQL is the query language used on Azure Data Lake Analytics services.  Based on SCOPE and Cosmos, which has been around since at least 2008, It combines C# type / expressions functionality, schema-on-read, custom processors and reducers into a SQL-like ETL and output language.

Keywords need to be upper case.  The where clause uses C#-style == syntax.  Rows can contain up to 4MB of data per row.

U-SQL supports SQL.MAP<k,v> and SQL.ARRAY(<T>)

U-SQL supports inline C# expressions, UDFs, UDAs to custom aggregate, UDOs to generate process and consume rowsets.

U-DOs are user-defined operators build with Visual Studio.

It will be interesting to see if this language makes it into SQL Server itself.  Extractors and Outputters would be highly useful to replace some of the functionality of SSIS.

I built a similar tool a few years ago for schema-on-read.  It brought CSV files into BLOB columns in SQL Server (read my article on BLOBs on SQL Server Central)  and allowed you to query them by converting to nvarchar(max), applying a schema, and then outputting to a table.

Kind of felt like a data lake at the time.... though it wasn't massively parallel and didn't have any kind of map-reduce job spinning up.  Then MS introduced the filestream object...